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Human Factors Minute Trailer

Human Factors Minute launches wherever you get podcasts on March 1st, 2023.

Human Factors Minute is available on all major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. You can also subscribe to the podcast via RSS feed at and visit our website at for more information and show notes.

Step into the world of Human Factors and UX with the Human Factors Minute podcast! Each episode is like a mini-crash course in all things related to the field, packed with valuable insights and information in just one minute. From organizations and conferences to theories, models, and tools, we've got you covered. Whether you're a practitioner, student, or just a curious mind, this podcast is the perfect way to stay ahead of the curve and impress your colleagues with your knowledge. Tune in on the 10th, 20th, and last day of every month for a new and interesting tidbit related to Human Factors. Join us as we explore the field and discover how fun and engaging learning about Human Factors can be!

Don't miss an episode, subscribe now and stay ahead of the curve in the field of Human Factors and UX!

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Human Factors Minute
Human Factors Minute
(Presented by Human Factors Cast)

About your host

Profile picture for Nick Roome

Nick Roome

Nick is currently a Senior UX Researcher at Turvo in the Pacific Northwest, focused on developing innovative solutions and optimizing human performance for SaaS based supply chain logistics programs. Alongside colleague and friends, Blake Arnsdorff and Barry Kirby, Nick hosts and produces Human Factors Cast, a weekly podcast that investigates the sciences of human factors, psychology, engineering, biomechanics, industrial design, physiology and anthropometry and how it affects our interaction with technology. Nick’s other areas of interest include, but are not limited to virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, systems engineering, and artificially intelligent systems.

Nick Started Human Factors Cast in early 2016 as a side-project. He believed that the way Human Factors concepts were being communicated is broken and saw a way to fix it. After getting initial traction, Nick moved to work on the Human Factors Cast Digital Media Lab and began assembling a multi-disciplinary team to test out new concepts in Human Factors communication.